Sunday, 15 January 2012

Saturday - Rotary Visit

Today we arrived at Maama Watali. Madeline and Shalen were an immediate hit with the kids as I had never seen so many stop by. They all enjoyed their picture being taken so I think the word is out and they come for the fun.  Shalen finished cutting out the Rotary sign template which was a challenge with all the kids running about.The Makindye Rotary members arrived (Sue now gives directions to people coming to just come into town and ask where the Muzumba (I spelled it wrong on a previous post) are staying and they find us quickly). The Club president (Hilda) Organizing chair (Tabley) and member Robert who is arranging the transport were given a tour and we discussed various upgrades they thought would be good. Robert is optimistic on the delivery he took all the forms and information and was going to work with the shipper to ensure he used the right TIN number to get the best deal for charity status.

The construction workers have finished the floor, door and windows in the new sleeping quarters which will house 6 and they should be painted and moved in by the end of the week. There are a few items left (parging walls and reinforcing the roof but the most disruptive is finished). Tabley though the grass area beside the house would be an excellent and safe play area for the kids to keep them away from the street and feel more like their own. He is right except the goats and steers that are there may be a little put out. We would have to remove lots of garbage and construction materials some f which would be used with the new rain collection system if we can fund this rather expensive option. We do not want to remove the construction aggregate and rocks in case we need it as that would add to the expense by having to truck in new rocks. Like the compost everything is time sensitive and we are off by a week for just about everything.

After a nice lunch cooked by the girls the girls the Club members headed out. We sat around for a bit discussing their ideas with the contractor and then Madeline/ Shalen and I decided we should go for a walk. Jackson took us down the highway to the next trading market where the hardware store was and Madeline bought a paint brush. We walked around that town looking a school and we saw the home owned by the local MP. WE have driven this road many time but it quite different to walk and take in the sights. We found the district soccer pitch - just missing the practice- one of the kids took time to tell me about the league, there are 6 teams in the town over 18 and they have one group that plays against other teams in the district. We took some picture of beautiful hibiscus trees and other schools.

We walked back to town and stopped to have a beer at a local  "pub" it was very nice to have a cold one under shade as this is the hottest time of the year for them. back to watch the kids at Maama Watali and a light supper before we headed back to the guest house. The one positive thing about no electricity is the stars are so clear and numerous with the view unobstructed. 

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