Wednesday, 1 February 2012

If you could only believe

Tuesday was Madeleine and Shalan's last day so a quick breakfast and a walk with a few pictures along the way. We did a little Internet work then it was decided that Sue and I would go with them to Kampala where we would go to the Rotary meeting while Jackson drove them to Entebee. We arrived at the meeting a few minutes late but were warmly welcomed and once again totally unaware it was a fundraising meeting for them to provide a window and ventilation at Maama Watali. We sat there and listen to bantering and joking as the hat was passed. 385,000 Uganda Shillings later and we had enough for everything. I said a few words of thanks - more pictures and Robert tried to explain what the issue was with the container. He had committed to spend all Wednesday morning at the shipper's yard and get it straightened out We also met a Rotarian who was senior in the Customs Dept and she offered her help. What a high to leave the meeting waiting for Jackson we sat down to a great Chinese meal of lamb, fish, rice and spareribs. We were picked up about 9 and headed home. No wonder the travel books say not to travel at night, we had large buses passing us on blind corners forcing cars to scream to a stop and head for the shoulders. We had noticed on our way yo town that a 18 wheel truck had broken down and the mechanics were swapping out the motor on the side of the highway- why take it to the garage? The truck was still on the side of the road adding one more obstacle for the drivers. And yes the power was out in all the towns on the way so we had coal lamp lit market workers to watch out for!

Finally home the bed was a wonderful comfort..

Wednesday we heard from Robert - to try and solve the problem he convinced the shipper to go to the yard and look for the container to open it. They wandered and could not locate it. Several phone calls later revealed that although it had been signed in the container had not yet arrived the truck had broken down on the side of the road near Jinja several days ago and they were trying to fix it. The truth is fleeting here.
Robert also advised that he now required a packing slip and we are starting over trying to bypass the bond yard!  I won't be home for a few weeks now I guess.

On a positive note the internet in Luweero was down so we headed to Kasana and found a high speed place with a really big fan to keep us cool


  1. Wow! Who to believe! I guess on the plus side you did find out and maybe the container can go directly to Luweera.... We sure never imagined any of this, eh? And yet you are sure doing a lot of good there!

  2. Brad, keep up the amazing work, and ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS!!
